Thursday, May 9, 2019

Hallway entrance

Hello Swim Club Families,
Just a couple of notes as we wrap up the season.  Next week (May 14/16) is our last swim practices of the school year.  We hope you have enjoyed the Ladue swim club program.  Our next program will be our winter program that begins in early November.  We will send out the registration link in mid to late September. 

When you and your swimmers come this evening or next week and enter through the gym lobby, we are no longer able to make a right and travel to the pool hallway due to some construction. You may need to enter door #15 (just up from the gym lobby, next to the garage door) and then travel down the hallway and make a right to the pool, or enter the gym lobby and travel through the gym into the hallway.  Please remind your swimmer to go directly to the pool and not play in the gym or other areas of the building.

Thanks and see you at the pool.